Q&A With Katie

What is the primary objective of “He Said What?!” 

My impetus for writing this book was to share my stories and expertise to empower women to quickly recognize and purge those men who are looking for money, a hook-up, a green-card or something other than love. My hope is that this book inspires badass women to pursue their love dreams and find a fantastic man and relationship that they richly deserve.

When you had to hit the dating scene again, was it more scary or exciting?

Both! I had been married for 28 years and it had been 30+ years since I last "dated" and the technology aspects of the internet had taken us into a very different dating world.  I was excited about the ability to screen through many more men than I could ever meet in person and discover my future partner. My number 1 goal was to stay "safe" during the process, as I did not really know if that face and voice behind that screen/cell was trustworthy, or not.

What do you think of online dating overall as a “tool” to find Mr. Right? Is it the best, easiest method these days?

Great question! Easy? Yes, as nothing else on the planet will give you more options to view multitudes of men that may qualify as a love interest.  But--let me use the old adage...it's about "quality, not quantity" and a large motivation for writing this book is to give females the best screening insight to expeditiously move through the many that will waste your time. Is it the best tool? It can be, it all depends on the perseverance of the female who chooses to  take this online dating journey. I must disclaim though, that it can be equally as frustrating to remain positive in the quest to find the rare "diamond" that they will be wonderfully compatible with.

Are many people reluctant to pursue online dating? Why the hesitation and how does your book allay any perceived fear? 

It is a great strategy, but not for the "faint of heart!" I'd say the majority of women in my circles do use it as one of their primary tools to find love. My best girlfriend is not open to pursuing this path and it is NOT FOR EVERYONE.  I have written this tough-love book as an online dating 101 guide, especially for the novices and first timers. I want to use my hard lessons over the years to help them expedite their learning curve.  It is also for those kind-hearted, trusting women of all ages that may not have the same ability to identify the disingenuous guys and see the "red flags" on their own. At the end of the day, I want to encourage women who are reluctant to jump into the online dating pool to leverage my online dating "warrior" advice that I share.

What was one of the biggest mistakes you made?

The biggest mistake I made in the early stages was allowing a few guys too far in, too quickly.  They were adept at manipulating my emotions and trust, so they could serve their sexual needs.  There was chemistry (on both sides), they were very charismatic, and I actually believed what they said about wanting a relationship! Once I came out of my romantic fog, I paid close attention to their actions and ongoing patterns of inconsistency (big red flag). No mas!

Give us one example of how you can pick up a vibe that the man you suddenly are interested in is not all he seems to be.

I look and listen closely to see if their words match their actions and if they follow through on all plans (small to large).  From the first text (or call) does their written profile support what they're telling me? Do they "do what they say they're going to do" on all levels?  If not, ciao bello!  There are no excuses they, or you, can give them for not caring about your needs or putting you first, period.

What demographic will benefit most from your book?

Those who will most benefit from my book are women of all ages, either new to the online dating scene or who are currently online and struggling with this wild dating strategy for finding men.  There really are men online legitimately looking for a love partner! This book will help streamline the journey to opening up the playing field for the right guys to "queue up"! 

What’s your next project?

Glad you asked! I want to continue to support women and bring together a community forum to share stories for those women who would benefit from this type of connection. So stay tuned...a Podcast is in the works ;-)

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